Pollution possible cause of Lake Ontario eel decline
This long-lived native species is getting cleaner, but its numbers are still kept in check by overfishing, parasites and dams.
Great Lakes Echo (https://greatlakesecho.org/tag/Water-quality/page/10/)
This tag is further segmented with tags for pharmaceuticals, plastics, sewage, algae
This long-lived native species is getting cleaner, but its numbers are still kept in check by overfishing, parasites and dams.
The state changed its mind whether a permit is needed to store water treatment residuals there.
The results showed that ammonium was discharged to rivers at well above the Environmental Protection Agency’s aquatic life criteria.
Digging the right kind of ditch to drain farm fields can improve water quality hundreds of miles away.
A Milwaukee photographer hit the road with a mobile studio to capture images of people with unique connections to Lake Michigan. Check out our interactive map.
The summit spurs water management discussions and launches an initiative by three regional universities to look at water through a lens of the humanities rather than engineering.
A look at this month’s biggest environmental stories with Great Lakes commentator Gary Wilson.
The robots carry receivers that follow acoustic devices surgically implanted in fish. They also can monitor the growth of toxic algae in the Great Lakes.
Counting, identifying macroinvertebates helps assess water quality
Great Lakes waterways are contaminated with known endocrine disrupting compounds; scientists warn that fish are at risk