By Tim Weatherhead
Capital News Service
May 4, 2009
Great Lakes gray wolves will come off the federal endangered species list today, which will allow Michigan livestock and pet owners to use lethal force against wolves that attack their animals. “These producers wanted to be empowered with the ability to take care of their own issues,” said Dean Beyer, research biologist for the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) in Marquette. “More important than just dealing with the wolf depredation, more important than having agency personnel come out to take care of the problem, they wanted it in their own hands.”
Rebecca Park, associate legislative counsel for the Michigan Farm Bureau, agreed that livestock owners want the power to defend their property. “A lot of producer members, where there’s wolf populations, have urged for some ability when there’s a depredation situation,” she said. “It’s no different than if someone attacked a pet dog.