The quagga mussel takes it all in the Great Lakes SmackDown!
It’s been a long road, but it’s time to reveal the Great Lakes SmackDown! champion.
Did the Eurasian Invasion take the gold? Or was it the Quagmeister? Click here to find out.
Great Lakes Echo (
It’s been a long road, but it’s time to reveal the Great Lakes SmackDown! champion.
Did the Eurasian Invasion take the gold? Or was it the Quagmeister? Click here to find out.
By Alice Rossignol and Rachael Gleason
The time is finally here to determine which invasive species you think is the worst for the Great Lakes. Will it be the water-filtering quagga mussel? Or the vampire-like sea lamprey? You know the drill. Fight and debate for your pick below.
By Alice Rossignol and Rachael Gleason
The sea lamprey and the alewife both fought successful battles and made it to the Great Lakes SmackDown! semi-finals last week. And it’s time to reveal whether the eel-like fish, which sucks the life out of its victims, or the alewife, a 6-inch silver fish that eats things like young fish, will prevail. And the winner is…
THE GREEN LAMP-REY! Thirty-five percent of those who filled out brackets guessed that the lamprey would dominate in Round 2.
Quebec took the drastic measure to deal with the lowest water ever recorded in a river that supplies 440,000 Montreal suburbanites. The low flows strain sewage treatment. How will other Great Lakes communities react to projected low water?
Imagine if the Great Lakes claimed negligence and abuse and left the region.
That’s what a group of Chicago artists did after attending a workshop on environmental issues.
The second round of invaders now duel in the SmackDown! semi-finals:
The Alewife, “Vlad the Impale-wife,” out-ate the White “The Incredible, Edible, Egg-eater” Perch in a gluttonous match. And the Sea “The Green Lamp-rey” sucked the win from the Round “Roundy Goboa” Goby, asserting its dominance as a more well-known and established invasive species.
Now the alewife and the sea lamprey face off!
See how the Great Lakes SmackDown! Round 1 champions fair in the next stage of the game. Will the water-clogging Eurasian watermilfoil outmatch the filter-feeding quagga mussel?
Click here for Round 2, Bracket 1:
Yesterday, we announced the winners of the first two Great Lakes SmackDown! lake fights. Today, we reveal the results of the next two matches.
We asked you to tell us which aquatic invasive species are the most ecologically destructive to the Great Lakes.
And Round 1 results are in.
Something smells a little fishy in this match. Well, actually, a lot fishy, because there’s a whole lot of both the alewife and the white perch in the Great Lakes.
Tell us which one you think is the most destructive to the Great Lakes.