Flash Point: Ken Scott’s toughest Great Lakes photo

We asked Great Lakes photographers to send us their toughest Great Lakes shots. Ken Scott of Ken Scott Photography sent us this photo. South Manitou Lighthouse

Lit by a full moon, this is a stack of 350, 30-second exposures. The hard part was getting the timing to work out so I could travel out to the island when there would be a full enough moon to light the landscape and no clouds to interfere with the shoot. It was a crap shoot and took a few trips out to get the timing the way I wanted it.

Flash Point: Justin Calkins’ toughest, favorite Great Lakes shots

We asked Great Lakes photographers to send us their favorite and toughest Great Lakes shot. Justin Calkins – related to our very own Gary Wilson – of Justin Calkins Photography sent us these photos. Wind Storms

This photo was shot during the week-long wind storms of October 2010 in Grand Haven, Mich.  The gusts were as high as 70 mph, with very large violent waves. Lake Michigan Severe Storm
I took this photo in 2006 and even though it’s older I still wanted to share it. In my opinion it captures an excellent look at a severe storm system over Lake Michigan at Pere Marquette Park, Muskegon, Mich.

Flash Point: Shawn Malone’s favorite, toughest Great Lakes shots

We asked Great Lakes photographers to send us their favorite and toughest Great Lakes shot. Shawn Malone of Lake Superior Photography sent us this photo. Northern Lights

The big reason this photo was so difficult to photograph is normally our northern lights displays are well to the north and low to the horizon. This allows for one to pre-plan compositions for this night sky photography. It’s very necessary to do this during the day since you can’t see much at night!

Flash Point: Scott Thomas’s favorite Great Lakes shot

We asked Great Lakes photographers to send us their favorite and toughest Great Lakes shot. Scott Thomas of Scott Thomas photography sent us this photo. Star Burst Sunset

A favorite daily ritual of people who live or vacation along the eastern shore of Lake Ontario is coming down to the beach each evening to watch the sunset from spring to fall. Most nights the show is spectacular with deep colors that paint any clouds in the sky the lower the Sun gets on the horizon. I have witnessed many nights Nature was given a standing ovation for her efforts.

Flash Point: Tim Trombley’s toughest Great Lakes photos

We asked Great Lakes photographers to send us their favorite and toughest Great Lakes shot. Tim Trombley of Great Lakes Photography sent us these pictures of his toughest shots. North Windows

This cave was only accessible by kayak. I had to land way down the shoreline and got wet feet making my way inside. Once there, the shot required me to crouch and back into the sandstone recesses allowing sand to drop down my collar.