Podcast: Slowing the Gypsy Moth’s Spread

By Jonathan Yales

Great Lakes Echo and the Northern Research Station of the USDA Forest Service are collaborating to share the first season of their podcast, Forestcast.

Insect biological control comes in all shapes and sizes — parasitoids, predators, or pathogens. So, what happens when neither a parasitoid nor a predator are feasible?

Well, sometimes scientists have to turn away from using insects to attack insect pests, and turn to using an even smaller organism, something microscopic: a pathogen.

Listen to, Episode 3: Slowing the Gypsy Moth’s Spread, below:

The full six-episode season of Forestcast is published now. Listen and subscribe below.

Subscribe to Forestcast:

Jonathan Yales works with the USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station via a research joint venture agreement with Michigan State University’s Department of Entomology.

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