Post COVID-19 plans: celebrate birthday, annoy the cat


Anna Petersen

Editor’s note: This story is part of  Coping with COVID-19, a series of brief looks at people in a pandemic.

By Kurt Williams

Anna Petersen, 10, Muskegon

Echo: What will you do after the stay-at-home order is lifted?

“The one thing that I want to do is have my birthday party, because literally a week before my birthday they called quarantine. So, after all of this is over, I’m going to throw a party with my friends.  No presents.

Echo: What will you keep doing after quarantine that you didn’t do before it?

“I don’t think I really need that much TV time, because like I’ve recently been into baking, and it’s a lot of fun.  I think I want to keep annoying my cat, because when I’m home during quarantine he keeps on meowing and meowing, and it gets really annoying, and then I go up to his face and I say, ‘Meow, meow, meow, meow.’

“And he’s like, “What?” So it’s like, “How do you like it, cat?” And it’s funny, so I want to keep on doing that.

Her mom’s perspective.

See the series: Coping with COVID-19


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