By Angelica A. Morrison
This story originally appeared on Great Lakes Today and is republished here with permission.
Fifteen teachers, several from New York State, sailed off Monday morning on research vessel called The Lake Guardian.
They’ll be doing research on Lake Ontario as part of the Educate Great Lakes Teachers program. The program is hosted by the US EPA and the Sea Grant.
The group will be gathering information plankton, bacteria and taking sediment samples.
Helen Domske is the Senior Coastal Education Specialist for New York Sea Grant. Domske says the program gives teachers a chance contribute to great lakes research.
“Their entire experience is to feel like a scientist a great lakes scientist,” she said.
Buffalo Science teacher Jim Damon is taking part in the trip. He’s excited about the research and says he’ll pass it on his students in the coming school year. He says fostering an interest in the science is important for students.
“Stem programming is super important,” he said. “I think, with our coming generations and the way that society is going, it’s critical for students to be able to understand their role in protecting their environment.”
The research ship is expected back in a week.