Every fall, thousands of sandhill cranes descend on the marshes in the Baker Sanctuary near Battle Creek. We hear more about the upcoming CraneFest from the executive director of the Michigan Audubon Society, Johnathan Lutz.

CraneFest is coming up this weekend at the Baker Sanctuary near Battle Creek. Image: Michigan Audobon Society
Visitors to the Bernard W. Baker Bird Sanctuary in Bellevue, Michigan will be in for a treat this weekend. It’s the time of year when thousands of sandhill cranes descend on the marshes there as they travel south.
What makes the sight of these birds even more impressive is that 60 years ago, the state had only a few pairs of the birds left.
Current State talks about the sandhill crane’s conservation success story and the 21st annual CraneFest with the Executive Director of Michigan Audubon Jonathan Lutz.
This segment was produced by WKAR’s Current State and is reproduced with permission.