Mercury is more than just something fun to play with, according to this public service announcement from the Michigan Department of Community Health.
The chemical gives off harmful fumes that can affect the central nervous system, respiratory system, and kidneys, according to health department officials. Prolonged exposure can lead to behavioral changes such as irritability, shyness, and nervousness, as well as tremors, problems with muscle coordination, loss of sensation, and difficulties with memory.
“Breathing very high levels of mercury vapors can irritate the airways and lungs, causing difficulty breathing,” said Christina Bush, a State of Michigan toxicologist, “In severe cases, the lungs will start to fill with fluid, there may be nausea and vomiting, and the heart rate or blood pressure will increase. This has happened where people have intentionally heated items containing mercury and would not be typical of exposure that may occur after a mercury spill.”
Children are particularly vulnerable, as they run the risk of permanent damage.
Additional information on mercury’s hazards and disposal can be found on the health department’s mercury website.
The full series of health department PSAs can be found here.