A whitetail buck. From the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (Flicker) Photo credit: Herbert Lange
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is using social platforms “to help the public prepare for the hunt, share traditions, ask experts questions and share stories of Deer Season 2012,” according to an agency news release.
This week the department is holding daily online chats about deer hunting. The discussions are an extension of the agency’s “Ask the Experts” series. The biweekly online chat sessions offer Wisconsin residents a chance to speak with experts on topics as diverse as fall fishing and frac sand.
This week’s topics include hunting safety and hunting locations. The deer focused sessions will run through Friday Nov. 16.
In addition to the online discussions, Wisconsin officials started a hunting themed blog. The blog covers “social, physical, emotional, career, intellectual, environmental and spiritual, aspects of the hunt that lead to increased health for the participant, communities” and Wisconsin’s natural resources, according to a news release.
Wisconsin officials are also hosting a Facebook photo contest, producing a one-hour TV special about deer hunting and tweeting throughout the season. Wisconsin’s gun-hunting season runs Nov. 17 through Nov. 25.