Alexander covered management of Michigan forests like this one at Ludington State Park. Photo: pippawilson (flickr)
Here at Echo we admire quality reporting on the environment, especially in the Great Lakes region.
It looks like the Sierra Club does too.
Journalist Jeff Alexander was recently honored for his in-depth environmental reporting by the Michigan Chapter of the Sierra Club.
The group cited his investigation into changes in Michigan’s forestry management as an exemplar of the quality journalism he’s doing. He’s also covered such issues as beach pollution and mining in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula for Bridge Magazine.
We’re a little partial to Alexander’s Asian Carp Doomsday Clock, a feature he created on his blog, All Things Great Lakes, to track how close carp are to entering the Great Lakes.
The Sierra Club’s Anne Woiwode told Bridge Magazine that, “Jeff always does a great job of covering the whole story on the issues he reports, so this is in recognition of his excellent coverage overall.”