Nancy Rossi from Ortonville, Michigan loves the Great Lakes, do you? Photo: Sierra Club
You don’t have to be from a Great Lake state to appreciate the lakes’ many attributes. Whether you’re just visiting or a long-time local, their beauty is mesmerizing. A lot of us love them.
How much? Sierra Club launched the “I love the Great Lakes” project two years ago to visually illustrate the love people share for the lakes.
They ask Great Lakes lovers to send in photos of themselves holding a printable banner that says “I love the Great Lakes, do your part to protect them.” The backdrop of the picture doesn’t matter. As long as you are holding the banner, Sierra Club will post it on their Great Lakes blog.
The group hopes that it will prove that people really care about protecting the Great Lakes.
“The neat thing about this photo project is that it not only educates our public officials, but it also helps us build community as a region in an effort to protect our Lakes,” Melissa Damaschke, Great Lakes regional representative for the Sierra Club, said in an email.
The club has more than 200 photos and counting — the majority of them came from Michigan. In far second is Wisconsin with 14 submissions.
Below is a map of the photos Sierra Club has received so far.
If you want to submit a photo to the project, follow the steps on their website.
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