Vote for best named Great Lakes brew

We culled through your nominations for the best name of a beer brewed in the Great Lakes watershed and put some of them on this poll.

Our selection is arbitrary and of course misses many beers and breweries that were not nominated. And yeah, we get it about those of you who disdain creative names as something that fails to impress true beer aficionados. But sheesh…lighten up.

Our bias is toward names that are particularly relevant to the Great Lakes environment or places. But we also include nominations that just kind of made us laugh. We arbitrarily decided on only one entry per brewery.

And you’ll notice the opportunity to insert something not on the list. Inevitably the voting will produce cries of dismay and yet more nominees.

Remember, we’re not asking for your favorite beer or the even the best beer. This is a poll on the best name for a Great Lakes brew. Click your selection and make a case for your choice in the comments.


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