More on Great Lakes beer: Which has the best name?

Great Lakes watershed boundary.

Last week we asked you to nominate the best beer made from the waters of the Great Lakes watershed.

And what a great job you did. The Echo staff is inspired to turn that list into a shopping list. One disappointment: The nominees didn’t reflect the binational nature of the watershed. They don’t make beer in Canada? If you’ve got a favorite made from Canadian waters of the Great Lakes watershed, make sure to add it to the original post.

And as far as that goes, the nominees were very Michigan heavy. But then, perhaps Michigan does produce the best beer in the Great Lakes basin. Disagree? You can still nominate best tasting Great Lakes beer here.

For this post, we’re going to slightly shift the task to selecting nominees for the best NAME of a Great Lakes brewed beer. List the name, brewer and Great Lakes city. Remember, it has to be brewed within the Great Lakes watershed. See map.

And to get things started, here are a few of our favorites names:

  • Burning River Pale Ale, Great Lakes Brewing Co., Cleveland, Ohio
  • 312 Urban Wheat Ale, Goose Island Brewery, Chicago, Ill.
  • Two Hearted Ale, Bell’s Brewery, Inc.,  Kalamazoo
  • Blushing Monk, Founders Brewing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.
  • Killer Bee, Dragonmead Microbrewery, Warren, Mich.
  • Thor’s Hammer, Bastone Brewery, Royal Oak, Mich.
  • Widow Maker Black Ale, Keweenaw Brewing Co., Houghton, Mich.
  • Dragon’s Milk, New Holland Brewing Co., Holland, Mich.

How about it? Got some nominations for best named Great Lakes beer?  Put them in the comments below and next week we’ll run a more formal poll.

Regarding the best tasting Great Lakes beer, we’re still taking nominations on this post.


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