Flash Point: Tim Trombley’s toughest Great Lakes photos

We asked Great Lakes photographers to send us their favorite and toughest Great Lakes shot. Tim Trombley of Great Lakes Photography sent us these pictures of his toughest shots.

North Windows

This cave was only accessible by kayak. I had to land way down the shoreline and got wet feet making my way inside. Once there, the shot required me to crouch and back into the sandstone recesses allowing sand to drop down my collar. Scrunched with wet knees, I panned the camera for three shots that were later merged into this panorama. The clarity of Lake Superior and the reflection of the blue sky give this image a “tropical” look.




In April when the ice shelf that has formed along the Lake Superior shoreline has begun to break apart, massive pieces float out to sea. These calving icebergs will come and go with the winds. If a high pressure system moves in at the right time, images like this can be found. This particular year, I had two mornings like this from the seat of my kayak. I have not been able to find these similar conditions more than three or four times over the past dozen years.

The most difficult portion of my landscape shooting is finding that dynamic composition together with dramatic lighting and subject matter in front of me. The next difficulty lies in the printing of that image to visually express what I photographed. I find the two events critically linked and essential in making images.

Many of what I consider my best shots are happy accidents or being in the right place at the right time. They are not found always under ideal conditions but their success erases all memory of the difficulty of the moment.

-Tim Trombley

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