Ski mountain to make snow out of wastewater

Have I mentioned that Great Lakes Echo reporters love poop stories?

Because I found another one.

Imagine gliding down a mountain of wastewater snow. Flickr: RenoTahoe (flickr)

Arizona Snowbowl, a ski resort outside of Flagstaff, Ariz. has found a new way to make artificial snow using reclaimed water from Flagstaff’s wastewater treatment plant.

Not that everyone thinks sewage-snow is a great idea. Environmental groups and Native Americans have opposed the idea, even taking the issue to the U.S. Supreme Court.

There seem to be potential dangers to lining slopes with treated sewage. But shouldn’t we be cheering innovative ways to close that ultimate waste cycle?

I found no mention of sewage-snow on the resort’s website. Perhaps they thought the idea would keep skiers from the slopes.

Gliding atop white-washed sewage snow is one thing, but falling in it is entirely different.

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