If you’ve got a Great Lakes lover on your list, consider the birthday shopping done.
You might even take care of birthday dinner using the Asian Carp Cuisine recipe guide. (It’s a free download!)
It’s also among the signs, stickers, posters, brochures and cards that the Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant sells, or otherwise provides, to help people identify invasive species and prevent them from spreading.
“The main issue is to raise awareness, especially when it comes to those who can have an impact on the movement of these species from one water body to another, like anglers and boaters,” said Irene Miles, communication coordinator for the Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant program.
Some products, like the WATCH cards that have pictures and information about invasive species, tell people how to report an invasive species sighting.
Miles said the trendiest products have been Asian carp oriented. Other carp items include the Fend off Flying Fish guide for boating safely in carp-infested waters and a video of biologist Duane Chapman deboning, cutting and cleaning an Asian carp.
Other products, like signs warning swimmers, anglers and boaters about spreading invasive species, cost more than $20.