Keep the undead out of your drinking water

Contaminated water is a serious problem.

Please stay out of my water. And my nightmares. Photo: PruittAllen (Flickr)

And so are zombies.

So you know what’s a really serious problem? A zombie in your well. There’s no Brita filter for that.

But according to the Center for Disease and Control and Prevention’s Public Health Matters Blog, “clean water is zombie-free water.”

Don’t worry, zombies aren’t the newest invasive species, rather the federal agency is using the zombie-based TV show, The Walking Dead, to give pointers on preparing for and responding to public health events.

The show is a post-apocalyptic series based on a comic book series of the same name. Before the show started its second season on Feb. 12, health officials highlighted three lessons from season one — fill up your car with gas before it’s too late, never leave home without a first aid kit and beware of contaminated water.

The agency recommends boiling, disinfecting or filtering water that you think may be contaminated from flooding, farm run-off, human sewage, chemicals or the undead.

So there you have it — government health officials giving tips based on fictional TV shows. Hey, whatever works.

And if zombies ever do invade the Great Lakes, now you’ll know what to do.

And who knows, they may even bump Asian carp off the front page for a day or two.

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