High speed trip from Duluth to Lake Ontario’s outlet

Here’s a way to get from the western end of Lake Superior to the eastern end of Lake Ontario in a scant 14 minutes.

Breakwater Lighthouse in Duluth, Minn. Photo: James Jordan (Flickr)

This Great Lakes Tour created by the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory is more than a video.

The tour makes 20 stops while rattling off Great Lakes factoids about size, ecosystems and environmental threats.  You’ll go scuba diving, see a ship leaving the Soo Locks, a sinkhole and more.

Pause the tour and you can click and drag the image to peek at any place in the world. Push the play button to get back to the Great Lakes.

Tour stops include other Great Lakes videos. Among my favorites: Dead or Alive, Lake Erie Underwater and Munson Wreck Dive.

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