Ships added to fleet of research vessels

Smashing a bottle of champagne is part of this week’s  ceremony welcoming two new Great Lakes research vessels to the U.S. Geological Survey’s fleet.

The R/V Muskie will help scientists study the health of Lake Erie beginning in 2012. Photo: USGS

The ships, the R/V Muskie and the R/V Kaho, replace older vessels on Lake Erie and Lake Ontario, continuing research on predator and prey fishes, and surveying the lakes for fishery and ecosystem health.

The boats are smaller than others in the fleet — they’re only 70.8 feet while others are more than 100 feet. That makes them better for testing near shore ecosystems.

A christening for the ships is Wednesday at the Sandusky Yacht Club in Sandusky, Ohio. A  public open house follows from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

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