It’s on the move.

A cougar was spotted in Houghton County, Mich. on Sept. 26. Photo: Michigan Department of Natural Resources
A cougar was caught by a trail camera on Sept. 26 in Houghton County, Mich., and a cougar was spotted by another trail camera in Ontonogan County earlier this month. These sightings, according to Michigan Department of Natural Resources wildlife biologist Adam Bump, are almost certainly of the same cat.
If it is the same cougar that walked past those cameras, then that cat has covered some distance, at least 50 miles from one county to the other.
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is still tracking down where exactly the cougar came from, but expects it came from a western state like South Dakota. It traveled through Wisconsin – the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources confirmed that it was photographed by two trail cameras in the state – on its way to the Upper Peninsula.
Farewell, cougar friend. See you on the trail.