This year, Adopt-a-Beach will reach beyond the shore and into the web with a new online system that tracks litter and overall health of beaches.

The Alliance for the Great Lakes' Adopt-a-Beach program keeps track of beach health. Photo: U.S. Coast Guard (flickr)
The system, monitored by the Alliance for the Great Lakes, allows volunteers to enter data on litter, beach conditions, water quality and recreation use for Great Lakes beaches. Data is collected during Adopt-a-Beach cleanup events, one of which is taking place on Saturday in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin.
The information is stored in a searchable database, allowing you to find and download the information from past cleanups. Only information from 2011 cleanups is available on the system, but the Alliance is working on adding earlier information.
To help with a September Adopt-a-Beach cleanup on Saturday, register at an event.