Farmers, filming and Flint: Urban pioneers face exciting challenges and heartache

Editor’s note: Michigan State University faculty and students are producing an hour-long documentary called Farmers, filming and Flint. Each week Great Lakes Echo previews some of their raw material which will be used to extend the previously produced The Kings of Flint.

This week: Pioneers of Flint’s  urban farming movement are tasked with the exciting prospect of helping to redefine city ordinances.  But  the job presents heartaches.  In late June 2011, MSU faculty and students spoke with five leaders in this movement determined to provide more families with locally grown food, make their farms profitable and re-shape the notion of what it is to be a farmer.  Here is a short excerpt from that conversation.  Next week, we’ll end the series with a longer clip from that two-hour interview.

Week 6: Farmers, filming and Flint: Land, need and passion found here

Week 5: Tilting at sustainability with windmills and lawnmowers

Week 4: Farmers, filming and Flint: Making a bid for free fruit trees

Week 3: Farmers, filming and Flint: Seed to sale

Week 2: Farmers, filming and Flint: Solar panels and a rain cistern

Week 1: Farmers, filming and Flint

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