Perhaps waterfowl feeders derive a sense of well-being and excitement. Or perhaps it’s just a ploy to bring the birds closer.

Image: U.S. Fish $ Wildlife Services
But feeding geese and ducks is a selfish pursuit that is devastating to the birds, according to Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife Division.
The popcorn, bread and shelled corn handouts lack any nutritional benefit and are a poor substitute to the birds’ natural diet, the wildlife officials say. In fact, it’s like feeding junk to a child.
Worse still, as Emily Finnegan of WSILTV.COM reports, fecal waste from geese and ducks is the main cause of elevated e-coli levels in Southern Illinois lakes — nine out of every ten contamination incidences.
What happens, as Great Lakes Echo reports, is that feeding these birds encourages unnatural concentrations by the rivers and lakes leading to excess droppings that contaminate the water.