Great Lakes water study predicts local shortages

A USGS water study reports that the Great Lakes could see local water shortages in the future. Photo: georbott via Flickr.

A U.S. Geological Survey water availability study released today says Great Lakes water is great, but not infinite.

Researchers behind the five-year study note uneven water distribution could lead to local shortages.

Areas like Milwaukee and Chicago may see  an estimated 100-foot drop in groundwater levels by 2040 if groundwater pumping continues in these areas, the study reported.

2 thoughts on “Great Lakes water study predicts local shortages

  1. The Republican 5/4 Supreme Court said foreign nation companies like Switzerland’s Nestle’ Ice Mountain can give unlimited secret funding to corrupt Michigan Republicans to sell off the ground waters of the Great Lakes.

  2. So I guess they idea of selling off our Great Lakes water to other states is a bad idea after all. Go figure.

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