The two genders continue to differ. This time about climate change. Photo: Bombadil77, Wikimedia Commons.
Men are from Mars and women are from Venus…
Well, actually, it ends up we’re from the same planet (Earth) but the phrase is still fitting to show how the two genders diverge.
Like what each thinks about climate change.
Researchers at Michigan State University concluded that women are more inclined to accept global warming than men. To reach this conclusion, Associate Professor of Sociology Aaron M. McCright analyzed eight years of the Gallup environmental poll data.
McCright says that women are socialized to be more caring and empathetic which may be why they’re wearier of climate change consequences. Although results did show that men claimed to understand the issue better, even though fewer of them believe it’s happening.
Published this month, the university claims that it’s one of the first in-depth studies exploring gender perspectives on climate change.