Echo’s quiz matching you with a Great Lake went so well that we’re developing another. The twist:
It’s about Great Lakes invasive species, a group that few people ascribe characteristics with which they associate themselves. So we’re trying another tack:
Which Great Lakes invasive species is your former significant other?
There is some low-hanging fruit – people who continue to cling to their exes like zebra mussels or suck the life out of them like sea lampreys.
But you’re more creative than that. And maybe there are some positive characteristics of invasive species that you want to highlight in reference to your previous romantic interest.
The ideal quiz is as educational as it is funny – afterall, Echo is a journalistic endeavor that hopes to inform. Help us out in the comment section below. Once we get enough suggestions, we’ll cobble them together and give you a heads up.
Then you can take the quiz and forward the results to whomever you deem appropriate.
Just remember that in return you may get an assessment of yourself.