More of our favorite reader comments from 2009

Jan. 6, 2010

More of our favorite reader comments from 2009

Story: Top Great Lakes trips
Comment: Depends on what you mean by ‘adventure.’ To some that may mean a cold six pack of beer and a lawn chair on Lake Michigan’s beach at sundown in August. To each his own…

Story: For Great Lakes mudpuppies in decline, new Canadian research is a bright spot
Comment: From one mudpuppy to another, thanks for this story.

Story: Find your Great Lakes match
Comment: Lake Huron, I agree pretty much with my results. Growing up a twin I was always average and second best. Great Quiz!

Story: Michigan considers statewide ban on phosphorus fertilizer; Minnesota already has one
Comment: The idea of a phosphorus ban may have technical merit, but how is it enforceable? Do we need an invasive government department taking lawn samples? Would a reduction in use occur if fertilizer prices rose considerably?

More tomorrow

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