Marina bill helps cash-strapped Michigan agency focus on environmental protection


By Mehak Bansil
Oct. 25, 2009

LANSING–A bill awaiting Gov. Jennifer Granholm’s signature would change permit requirements for those who already own a dock, pier or other anchoring structure and those looking to build one in an inland lake or stream.

Renewals would no longer be necessary to maintain and operate such facilities, but boaters who don’t already have a permit would still need one.

If a boater wants to build or add to a structure, the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) would have to analyze the project to ensure it wouldn’t disrupt natural resources.

Martin Jannereth, DEQ’s chief of lakes, streams and shorelands, said eliminating renewals probably won’t harm inland waters.

“We found there were a few changes over the years but not enough to make it worth all the staff time needed to maintain the program,” he said.

Jannereth said the DEQ’s main interest is to protect property owners’ rights and the ability of others to use lakes and streams for recreation.

The Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council, a nonprofit group based in Petoskey, said the measure will protect natural resources.

“The significant budget cuts on the DEQ over the years have reduced their ability to protect those natural resources and maintain public trust,” said Jennifer McKay, policy specialist for the council.

“This will decrease the amount of money needed by the DEQ to maintain the marinas, but will still allow them to protect the bottomlands and sensitive areas of the lakes and streams,” she said.

The Michigan Boating Industries Association in Livonia also supported the bill.

Although it unanimously passed the Senate, Reps. Lisa Brown, D-West Bloomfield, Sarah Roberts, D-St. Clair Shores, and Rashida Tlaib, D-Detroit, voted against it.

Mehak Bansil writes for Capital News Service

© 2009, Capital News Service, Michigan State University School of Journalism. Not to be reproduced without permission.

One thought on “Marina bill helps cash-strapped Michigan agency focus on environmental protection

  1. After reading the article on the marina bill in Michigan we wanted to make a clarification. The bill, once enacted will eliminate the need to obtain a marina operating permit. Marina operators that wish to construct, reconfigure or expand a marina are still required to obtain a permit. The bill does not impact individual boat owners. Once the bill has been made effective the website link provided above will be updated with information on the changes made to the statute.

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