Interest in diesel vehicles quietly growing

Diesel vehicles

Diesel vehicles have better fuel economies and lower greenhouse emissions than gasoline-fueled versions IFCAR

By Thomas J. Morissey
Capital News Service

LANSING — Although hybrids may be the most talked-about vehicle technology, good old-fashioned diesel is quietly making its own resurgence, according to a new study by a multinational marketing research firm based in Michigan.

“The hybrid electric vehicles continue to get the most attention. They’re the ones consumers are most familiar with, and they’re already on the road,” said Bryan Krulikowski, vice president of Farmington Hills-based Morpace Inc.

But personal vehicles with diesel engines are catching up, according to the company’s recent Powertrain Acceptance and Consumer Engagement study.

“We asked a question on our survey about awareness of clean diesel vehicles on the road today,” Krulikowski said. About 70 percent of those who responded were at least aware of the technology.

“The upfront cost to purchase a diesel is much lower than a hybrid or a plug-in hybrid,” Krulikowski said.

Even so, Krulikowski said it could be difficult to make car buyers consider alternative technologies because “people are less concerned about the technology and more concerned about the benefits to them.”

Floyd Badanish of Crown Motors in Holland said that many people have negative preconceptions about diesels due to past experiences.

“There are some manufacturers back in the ‘80s who ruined it for the rest of us,” said Badanish, who has several years of experience with Crown’s Volkswagen lineup that includes diesel models sold as “turbocharged direct injection,” or TDIs. “People think diesel and they think semis, boats — anything other than a car.”

But the promotion of diesel technology has an ally now that didn’t exist in past decades: the Internet.

“Usually, when people come in looking at the TDIs, they’ve done their research on auto sites or in forums,” Badanish said.

The benefits of diesel vehicles can be dramatic, as shown by government testing. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency compared the performance of models of the 2009 Volkswagen Jetta, which is available in both diesel and gasoline-fueled versions.

The diesel version gets almost 40 percent better fuel economy, although that’s offset somewhat by diesel fuel being about 10 percent more expensive than gasoline. The EPA estimates an average driver could save up to $300 a year in fuel costs, based on current average fuel costs in the Lansing area.

Environmentally conscious buyers might also be enticed by the EPA’s carbon emissions estimates that are 17 percent lower for the diesel model. Both models release other pollutants at a comparable level, thanks in part to a transition in fuel taking place in the United States.

Over the past three years, diesel sold for on-road use has been changing from the “low sulfur” standard to the “ultra low sulfur” standard, which decreased the maximum allowed sulfur content by 97 percent. By Dec. 1, 2010, all diesel must meet the new standard.

As a side benefit, the reduction in sulfur and better emissions technology have eliminated much of the noxious odor associated with diesel in the past.

The numbers may support diesel models, but simple reaction to the higher per-gallon cost of diesel turns off many buyers to the technology, according to the Morpace report.

Badanish also said that whether a diesel is a good choice for individual buyers can be based on their driving patterns and how long they plan to keep the car. Those who drive many miles in a year or plan to keep the car for a long time are more likely to see benefits offset the extra cost of the diesels, which is around $2,000 compared to similarly-equipped gasoline-fueled models.

He also said that hybrids have a strong future potential.

“A big step for diesel will be when it’s combined with hybrids,” he said. By combining the strengths of the two technologies, Badanish predicted that near-future vehicles could easily reach a fuel economy of 80 miles per gallon.

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