‘Dangerous’ conditions at preserve

(IL) Chicago Tribune – Environmental groups are raising concerns about the restoration of Miller Meadow, contending that the site poses hazards to visitors and the environment. Specifically, they are concerned about numerous shards of broken concrete, glass, brick and metal pipes that are scattered across the site — and the erosion that is carrying debris and gray sludge, used to promote vegetation, toward the nearby Des Plaines River.  More

Spring opening at Isle Royale

(MI) Detroit Free Press – Ever wondered what it takes to open up a park, ever wondered why close a park? Well, Isle Royale National Park in Lake Superior, which is 70 miles from its mainland headquarters in Houghton, is closed to visitors from Nov. 1 to May 1 every year. This is due to the isolation factor and the severe weather and lake conditions during the long winters, which make it virtually inaccessible. The only exception is for scientists and park staff who participate in the wolf-moose study, which takes place annually from January through early March.

The vanishing dark night and its health consequences

By Matthew Cimitile, cimitile@msu.edu
Great Lakes Echo

As the world gears up to turn off its lights for Earth Hour Saturday, researchers and stargazers suggest a need to reduce excessive light pollution permanently. In the industrialized world, dark skies pierced with radiant starlight are increasingly rare. Starlight that guided earlier humans down from the trees and through the wilderness and uncharted waters to every corner of the planet has rapidly vanished. That leaves a dimmer view that some researchers say may cause health problems from breast cancer to insomnia. But stargazers, astronomers, conservation experts and health advocates are attempting to regain the night sky to ignite wonder, save energy and protect health.