Capital News Service
Electric cars fighting for fuel in Michigan
Michigan is moving to better accommodate electric cars with upcoming pilot programs by DTE Energy and Consumers Energy.
Great Lakes Echo (
Michigan is moving to better accommodate electric cars with upcoming pilot programs by DTE Energy and Consumers Energy.
Americans use lots and lots of plastic straws, and that’s bad for the environment.
A new study done in Ontario and Michigan finds that waterfowl aren’t the only beneficiaries of wetlands management projects and restoration–many other bird and frog species benefit too.
Angling for brook trout? Fourteen U.P. counties — Menominee is the sole exception — now have at least one stream where the daily bag limit for brook trout is five rather than 10.
State agencies and their partners are working to save the declining monarch butterfly, which is threatened by the black swallow-wort, an invasive vine that resembles the milkweed plants that monarchs need to eat.
The blood parasites that infect songbirds with avian malaria are far more diverse in Southwest Michigan than scientists knew.
Michigan is among the first states to track cattle with ear tags that emit radio signals, a system livestock officials say should be adopted nationwide to track disease outbreaks.
Bike sharing is growing in popularity across the country, prompting Michigan communities to also look hard at creating such programs.
Michigan is the country’s top producer of tart cherries but the industry is slammed by a sharp increase in lower-cost imports.
Are Michigan waters getting less safe for boating, with or without motors?