Echo Eco Cup winner goes Wild

Sustainable hardware. Image: Eamon Devlin

Sustainable hardware goes to the Minnesota Wild. Image: Eamon Devlin

By Eamon Devlin

When you cool your arena with Lake Ontario, how can you lose a Great Lakes sustainability challenge?

That’s what happened in Echo’s first Eco Cup challenge where readers decided which NHL team in the Great Lakes region had the best sustainability report.

Voters decided that the Minnesota Wild gets the environmental nod over the Toronto Maple Leafs.

You can replay the match-up of sustainability report summaries for both teams here.

The Leafs almost pulled it out, going through three rounds of this Great Lakes hockey challenge on the strength of its deep lake cooling system, anaerobic digester and high tech cleaning system.

But in the end the Wild’s deep bench with wind power purchases, electric car charging stations, bike racks for fans and LEED-certified arena proved too much.

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