Video: What the Frack?


What the Frac? from OurWaterWebs on Vimeo.


What the Frac? from OurWaterWebs on Vimeo.
Video by Lilia Fuquen, Tonya Higgins and Ivan Toe, on the pros and cons of hydraulic fracturing.

This video is among those produced by students at Kent State University’s Stark campus under the direction of biology and journalism faculty.  It is part of a multidisciplinary study of the local environment called OurWaterWebs and based south of Cleveland, just outside of the Great Lakes watershed.

While technically outside of Echo’s news community, we think it close enough to feature yet another university-based effort at reporting news and information in the context of a watershed.

The course was created with support from the H.W. Hoover Foundation and Ali Habashi of the University of Miami’s Arnold Center for Confluent Media.

4 thoughts on “Video: What the Frack?

  1. on another note: Why is the fracking supported filmed in black and white while the rest of the people are in color? I expect this kind of slanted photography from drug companies TV advertisements, not from Great Lakes Echo!

  2. Susanne,
    I have geo-thermal heat and drive a Prius. While this still requires fossil fuels we can all lessen demand by making smarter choices.
    Your scientific statement about contamination reminds me of the cigarette industry claiming there is no scientific evidence proving cigarettes cause cancer.
    There is very strong evidence that fracking is harmful to the environment, until we can definitively say the contamination is not from another source this will be true.
    Here is a study that concludes fracking is the most likely cause of contamination.

  3. Susanne, really?

    I think a better use of fracking would be to get your head out of the sand!

  4. Some of the public out there condems fracking. So now that temperatures are 4 degrees, what petroleum products are heating your home? Where does it come from, and where does the gasoline that you burn in your vehicles come from? Until we get an energy policy, and quit using fossil fuels… the demand is still there, and we need to continue the extraction of oil and gas. Using the fracking techniques to produce the product we need will continue. No water well has been contaminated because of fracking and that is a scientific fact. Don’t believe all that the media feeds you, check it out for yourself.

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