MONDAY MASHUP: Renewable Energy Map


By Rachael Gleason

RefuelWorried about where to charge your electric vehicle? Chicago has you covered, but you’re out of luck if you’re anywhere else in the Great Lakes.

This mashup of alternative refueling stations shows only a handful of electric stations throughout the region.

Ethanol stations are more popular – dozens dot the states west of Lake Michigan. All alternative refueling stations seem to center around the biggest cities in the Midwest.

Users can find other interesting tidbits about alternative fuel in the Great Lakes, like where hydrogen production facilities are located and the amount of hybrid-electric vehicles being used in a given area.

Just click a box to see the locations of fueling stations that offer that power source.

The Colorado-based National Renewable Energy Laboratory developed this mashup.

Win a prize if you’re the first to suggest or create a Great Lakes mashup used on Echo’s Monday Mashup. What’s the prize? Well, it’s not a Great Lakes cruise.  But we’ve got stress balls shaped like polar bears and bats (stress bats?), pocket knives, mini-backpacks, flashlights, water bottles and other items of similar fine value lying around the Echo Chamber. We’ll send you something AND publicly acknowledge your contribution in MONDAY MASHUP. Send it to Monday Mashups editor Rachael Gleason at

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