Researchers study environmental impact of free-range pig production


By Haley Walker
Great Lakes Echo
Sept. 25, 2009

Big Blue, Gus, Chomsky, George and Leonidasto buried their snouts in leafy greens, rolled in the mud, and grunted happily when they arrived recently at Michigan State University’s student organic farm.

Michigan State Univesity researcher Laurie Thorp prepares muddy garden for pigs.

Michigan State Univesity researcher Laurie Thorp prepares muddy garden for pigs. Photo by Haley Walker

They had traveled from their birthplace at MSU’s old swine farm to a garden at the university’s organic farm.

It was only a physical distance of a few miles, but light years in the way the 6-month-old pigs were raised. These animals are part of a university experiment that will look not only at their growth but also on their impact on the land.

Researchers will study flash grazing, a process of rotating the pigs for short periods on pastures to manage vegetation and aid in soil health. They will also study how the pigs grow by scavenging acorns.

These pigs are among a growing number nationwide raised as free-range, a term referring to animals that graze on pasture.

“We add farmers every day and an increasing number of them are pork producers,” said Jo Robinson, who runs, a Web site on the grass-fed movement. “When I started in 1999, I could only find 50 pasture-based farms across the country. The fact that there are so many now is really amazing.”

Robinson’s organization now lists 1,100 pasture-based farms in the U.S. and Canada.

Concerns over the treatment of animals in large confinement facilities have prompted some farmers and consumers to support free-range production.

Pigs enjoying their new home shortly after arriving at Michigan State University's student organic farm. Photo by Haley Walker

Pigs enjoying their new home shortly after arriving at Michigan State University's student organic farm. Photo by Haley Walker

Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, known as CAFOS, are a common confinement facility. To be considered a CAFO, the Environmental Protection Agency says animals must be confined for 45 days for a 12-month period and without vegetation.

Critics say CAFOs can be unsanitary, crowded and cruel and that the large amount of manure they produce in a small area is a significant source of pollution. Supporters say that CAFOs are efficient and do not pose problems if they are well-managed.

According to EPA, farm runoff is a major contribution to Great Lakes pollution and the largest contribution of pollutants to rivers and streams.

Tony Renger, owner of Willow Creek Farm, a free-range pork producer in Wisconsin, said free-range production better controls runoff.

“We are doing it the way it was done years ago, and we don’t have the runoff associated with confinement facilities” Renger said. “From a manure standpoint, this method is far superior to confinement.”

But Allen Stokes, director of environmental programs for the National Pork Board, said free-range facilities require more manure management.

“In confinement facilities, it is a more controlled process,” Stokes said. “In a pasture, you would have to make sure you rotate so you don’t get a build up of manure.”

Researchers are studying the relative merits of pasture-raised pigs. Photo by Haley Walker

Researchers are studying the relative merits of raising pigs on pasture and in confinement. Photo by Haley Walker

Stokes also noted that pastures used in free-range production are more exposed to rain and snow, which would increase the amount of runoff.

There is also debate about the management of gases emitted from swine confinement facilities, in comparison to free range. According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, gases from livestock, such as methane and ammonia, account for 18 percent of greenhouse gas emissions, an amount greater than the contribution from cars and other transportation.

Confinement facilities use ventilation to control the concentration of gases and use a lot of electricity, said Laurie Thorp, director of an MSU environmental education program.

“They have to cool these facilities and circulate the air, which is a good thing, but it’s energy consumptive,” she said. “What about a model where you don’t have to run fans to clear and clean the air, where they are outdoors in the fresh air?”

Researchers will also measure the land needed for sustainable free-range production. “It is about the appropriate number of animals for the appropriate amount of land, and the management of those animals on that land,” Thorp said.

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that livestock production uses 30 percent of the Earth’s entire land surface. “If you assume the same amount of animals for free range, you would need to have a larger land mass to raise the animals,” Stokes said.

“Whether with free-range or confinement, a key would be sound management,” Stokes said. “A well-managed confinement or free-range facility would be expected not to pose concerns for the environment.”

Great Lakes Echo journalists report on the environment

4 thoughts on “Researchers study environmental impact of free-range pig production

  1. Pingback: Yet more favorite reader comments from 2009 | Great Lakes Echo

  2. Pingback: Researchers study environmental impact of free-range pig production « Organic and Alternative Livestock Production

  3. Is “Flash Grazing” a new name for Managed Intensive Rotational Grazing? How is it different? That is how we graze our pigs and sheep sustainably which improves our pastures and animal health.

    Specifying an exact number of animals per acre is tricky. It depends on the size of the animals, part of their life cycle, season, soil type, plant growths, precipitation and other factors. Please be careful not to set standards or push for legislation on this sort of thing. It’s all way to variable for pencil pushers to be determining how farmers graze their animals. Here’s an article about “How Many Pigs per Acre” that shows some of our experience:

    I’m not surprised by the responses of Stokes of the National Pork Board. He and the CAFO industry are running scared of pasture based farming so they spread disinformation. They’re scared because they see people waking up to the problems created by CAFOs and they fear losing market share. In the long run CAFOs are unsustainable with their dependency on fossil fuels and subsidies of grain and petroleum. This alone will be their Achilles heel. Its the same for Big Ag production of vegetable, fruit and grain crops.

    The fact is we need livestock. The make the high quality natural fertilizer that nourishes plants. The alternative is fossil fuel based synthetic chemical fertilizers with all their problems. Life is a cycle. We’re all part of the food web. Pastured grazing based livestock are better at keeping the balance and will win out in the long run.


    Sugar Mountain Farm
    in the mountains of Vermont

  4. Excellent article. While the benefits to the land from having swine aerate the soil are real (and the damage to the surrounding environment from CAFOs is a serious concern), flash grazing also makes sense in terms of animal welfare. As I tell people, these pigs are smarter than many of my relatives, so I want them to have as good a life as possible. The good news is that freeing the animals from their CAFO prisons also means we can stop pumping them full of antibiotics (and thereby risking the likelihood that the bugs will mutate and make these drugs ineffective when we humans need them).

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